So What Exactly…
October 24, 2017 | posted by The Bullpen Blogger
“So what exactly is a blog and how do you know what to blog about?”
This is the question I raised to a friend a few weeks ago when my partners and I were contemplating embarking on this newfound blogging adventure. Obviously, we know what blogs are and have many friends who are very good at “blogging” but I’ve personally never had a big interest in taking the time to put thoughts on paper for all the world to see. In answering my question, my friend told me that the best bloggers typically write about things they: 1) love 2) know about and 3) are interested in. Pretty simple I guess. I’ve always loved to write and have always dreamed of sharing the same profession as my favorite legal fiction author, John Grisham. Mr. Grisham routinely tells people he is an author and a little league baseball coach. It simply can’t get much better than that!
So what to write about?
This is obviously the penultimate question. Over the last several weeks, as our firm’s guinea pig blogger, I’ve probably asked myself this question a few hundred times. As my mind drifts and wanders, thinking of all sorts of topics, I find myself returning to the three things my friend advised that all the good ones have in common: 1) love 2) know about and 3) interested in. So that’s where I’ll start. My hope is that I will: 1) enjoy blogging 2) have cool content that you enjoy reading about and 3) have enough time to devote to this newfound adventure! Hopefully my law partners will take an interest in this too and from time to time share some neat stuff for all the world to see! Here goes nothing!!!
Of all the topics my mind has created for me to consider writing about, the two out of the gate that “fit the bill” so to speak are the love and promotion of this law firm and the importance of the reader of our blog to know and understand what it is we do at STACLAW. Earlier in the week I asked our office manager a question that I was pretty sure, but not real sure, I had the answer to. I wanted to know when was it that our law firm set sail on our maiden voyage and “launched” our initial, brand new, never before seen website. After some quick research, her answer was: “2008, started working on it in 07.” I cannot swear to this and never would, but I am pretty sure we were the first or at least one of the first law firms in Kershaw County or Lancaster County to have a website. In 2008 this was a pretty forward-thinking notion but we wanted to try and be ahead of the curve. The digital age of electronics and hand-held devices was upon us and becoming more and more prevalent by the day, month, year – coming at us like a freight train. Everyone was on track to get a smart phone that held a world of information literally in the palm of your hand! Luckily our senior partner and the backbone of our existence in the successful practice of law was “all-in” on a website. We all knew that a website was a needed means of advertisement, communication and information but we were, and still are, in full agreement that a website is by no means the most important medium in this regard. As was then, and as is now, we are of the mindset that word of mouth is still king and will always be. It’s pretty simple – the goal is always to do exceptional work, yielding exceptional results. If you do a great job for someone they will tell at least ten people. If you do bad work, they will tell twenty – often many more. Nevertheless, we needed to reach and inform more people so we “launched” in 2008 and a website was out there for all the world to see. We were so proud of it then – it worked, it looked pretty cool, it gave great information, and we were first (or close to first) in leaping into the digital age of electronic communication. That was then – this is now!
Earlier this year we decided to “up the ante” and invest in a newer, cleaner, bolder, and more informative website while also entering the “oh so cool” modems of communication – Facebook and Twitter. This had been considered for some time but we were all of the mindset that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Understand, NONE and I emphasize none of my law partners and certainly not me are tech friendly. None, zero, zilch! We’re lawyers – not tech folks. We are learning how all this works and rely on a little help from our friends in getting our message out there. We invite you to keep checking in with us, sharing our posts and clicking on our website for tons of cool information. I think we may even have some promotional giveaways around the holidays. With the simplicity of a like, click or share you can be eligible to win some pretty cool swag! We think you’ll enjoy what we’re doing here at STACLAW and how we’re doing it but we will never lose sight of the king of communication and advertisement – good ole word of mouth!
So what exactly is the word of mouth message we hope you know but can’t emphasize enough?
Again, it’s simple. We want you to call us first! Doesn’t matter the issue – call us first. We will point you in the right direction even if we can’t help. We are a rapidly growing firm with offices in Camden and Lancaster. We know who to call with most any question, problem or issue you may have. We do not want a client with one issue, who then has another issue to say, “we didn’t know y’all did that.” This is frustrating, but 99% of the time is unintentionally done by the client. It all goes back to getting it out there, what it is we do and how we can best help. We believe it is crucial to do this in a professional manner without crazy commercials that tend to paint lawyers in a not so glamorous light. Perhaps the best example of “what we do” is a client who may have a criminal or domestic issue who in turn is injured in an automobile accident, trips or falls at a place of business, gets hurt at work or even has a loved one tragically killed through no fault of their own. This is what we do! We can help in each of these situations and have been doing so for years and years and years. Some folks may even say “so what exactly is personal injury law?” “We know y’all do it, and we’ll always come to you, but what is it exactly?” Simply put, it is all the examples outlined above plus about a hundred more. This is part of our message that we want for you, us and all the world to promote. We are proud of the fact that we truly get to help people. People injured, people hurt, people in trouble, people going through a divorce, people with real problems who need answers. We get answers and solve problems but can only help if you give us a call. Check us out on the web, like and join our Facebook and Twitter feeds – but most importantly call us first if you have a problem – small, medium, large or extra-large. We’re on it!